When it all is said and done, At the end of the day, there’s one thing I know with all my heart: knowing Jesus is
Thẻ: Victoria Osteen

God never asked you to speak your mind. “OUR” minds can be sinful and broken. The scriptures tell us that God IS Spirit and He

God cares. He’s very much aware of everything you’re going through. God hears. He hears every unspoken prayer in your heart. Even those times when

Joel Osteen isn’t personally getting divorced, but as a pastor, he has some thoughts on the subject. On a blog entitled “Let Go of the

This message is for you all. You all who turned your back from God, and you secretly can’t even deal with yourself. God is not

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he

Why do we find it difficult to trust the Lord? One reason is that we don’t know Him well enough to trust Him. To know

Encouragement for your day! You can measure me — my height, width and weight. You can measure the room you are currently laying, sitting, or

There’s no wounds God can’t heal. There’s no battle God can’t win. There’s no storms God can’t still. There’s no brokenness God can’t restore. There’s

We are all walking through something today: Good times. Bad times. Times filled with lament. Times filled with laughter. Times of accomplishment. Times of failure.