There is no doubt that every baby born is precious, lovable and adorable. And some babies are simply more striking than others due to their
Thẻ: Cute Babies

A black Nigerian couple gave birth to a white kid. This was clearly odd, and it raised many concerns. What went wrong? What caused that

The first moments after a baby’s birth are filled with adorable expressions. The baby’s adorable adult-like expressions will make your heart melt and delight. They

There is no doubt twins have a special bond and, as the photo shows, it is something that can be present from birth. That’s why

A MUM who takes her three-month-old baby to the spa every week claims it relaxes him and helps him sleep. Shanelle Cotton, 26, is a

Cary and Tim Patonai were expecting a large baby. But the Arizona couple got the surprise of their life when their son Finnley was born

The hilarious moment a newborn baby scowls at doctors in a birthing room has gone viral. Baby Isabela Pereira de Jesus was born on February

The reader is moved to tears by the story of a 1.2kg baby’s short life. The journey from conception to the last moments of the

THREE’S A CHARM Would YOU have done this at her age? Woman becomes a surrogate mum to triplets at just 21 A woman who gave

It seemed impossible. But sure enough, life can always surprise us – and incredibly, 42-year-old Kimberly Fugate had become pregnant with triplets. She already had