Wait Until You See Why God Made You Wait

God’s timing for you in ALL things is perfect- please trust in Him and wait patiently and continue doing His will because He will bless you!!

If God is making you wait, there’s a good chance He has something better in store for you than you would have planned for yourself.

As you wait, be brave. Take the next step of faithfulness right where you are, into the difficulty and the uncertainty⠀

Rely on the Lord and obey what He is asking you to do. You will have peace and confidence you didn’t know was possible when you choose Him at every opportunity. This is a place where faith and courage is proven.

Wait on God. He will not let you down. What he wants for your life will always surpass what you want.

Sometimes, the word “wait” can feel like a “weight.” But when you choose to cast that care knowing that God has your best interest at heart, the waiting time turns to rest. It becomes a time to rejoice for what God will do!

So the Lord must wait for you to come to Him so He can show you His love & compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God; Blessed are those who wait for His help. -Isaiah 30:18 (NLT)

‪Everything God is preparing for you is worth the process and worth the wait. Trust His best.

God has put dreams and desires in every person’s heart. Yet, too often, when things don’t happen on our timetable, we get down, discouraged, or anxious. But that’s because we’re not waiting the right way. We’re not supposed to sit around and be discouraged; we’re supposed to be hopeful, positive, and full of expectancy! As you wait with hope and expectation, God will move on your behalf.

We all go through waiting times that can be very difficult. Can I tell you that God is not making us wait to make it hard on us. He is developing our character.

Patience is an inner strength that we all need to learn. Patience is what brings forth God’s promises.

The writer of Hebrews says, “For you have need of patient endurance, so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised.”

We need to develop our patience, knowing that at the right time, God is going to get us to where we need to be as well as give us what we need.

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