Your PAST Is A Lesson, Your PRESENT Is A Process, But Your FUTURE Is A Blessing And A Gift Awaiting You

Your PAST is a lesson, your PRESENT is a process, but your FUTURE is a blessing and a gift awaiting you. Don’t let the pain of your past keep you down, and don’t let your present struggles  discourage your future hope.

There is hope for your future, declares the Lord…(Jeremiah 31:17).  I prophesy to you, the glory of your future shall wipe away every past pain and present struggles in your life! Arise and shine. In Jesus powerful name.

You cannot undo your past, but you can do something about your present and future. You can only play the ball that is in front of you, not a ball that’s behind you.

You have to do what the apostle Paul did: “One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead” (Philippians 3:13).

He was saying, “The most important thing that has helped me to be successful is to let go of the things that are behind me. I don’t look back. I don’t go back to my past mistakes and relive my failures.”

God knew every hurt, every loss, and every mistake you would go through. The good news is that for every setback, He’s already arranged a comeback; for every disappointment, a new beginning; for every failure, restoration; for all the ashes, He has beauty.

Your past experiences have prepared you for where you are right now, and your experiences today will prepare you for your future. Trust God and move forward one step at a time.

Don’t let the negative stories from your past limit your life, it’s time to tell yourself a new story. Stop seeing yourself in a negative way and begin living the way God sees you, like a conqueror and well abled to accomplish your destiny.

Today I want to remind you that your past doesn’t define you, your failures don’t define you, your circumstances don’t define you. As a child of the Most High God, you are royalty, and His Word is what defines you!

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