God Is Saying, “Rest, I Am Already At Work, I Will Turn Around Every Negative Situation In You Life, I Will Bless You And Your Family, I Will Heal Every Place You Are Hurting”

God gives you purpose for the pain of your past. God gives peace in His promises for your present. God gives you joyful perseverance for the process. Today, rest in His presence, receive, and let Him guide your steps. Amen!

Today, you may be dealing with battle fatigue. You’re tired of fighting and you don’t think you can go on. God wants to breathe new life into your dreams. He said, “Come unto me when you’re weary and I will give you rest.” You don’t have to do it on your own—take hold of His strength.

The Scripture says, “Hold your peace, remain at rest, and God will fight your battles.” You may be in a situation that’s unfair, somebody did you wrong, you’re dealing with an illness, you went through a loss. You could be worried, bitter, upset. You can’t control what happened; you can’t make it go away. This is where you have to do like David, dig down deep and say, “I’m keeping my walls up. I’m not letting that negative into my spirit. I’m going to keep singing praises; I’m going to keep thanking God. I’m going to keep speaking the victory.”

Heal. It’s important and it’s necessary. Allow God to restore the broken areas and allow Him to replenish your spirit. Most times we try to carry old baggage into new opportunities and new blessings…it will hold you back and hinder you.

God’s healing is always available to us but we have to stop running from it. He wants you free and healed. We have to face the wound with God’s help. At times it’s okay to pray to God on your way to a Christian counselor or a therapist. Cry out, talk it out, or even scream it all out!

It’s okay. God works in your tears. The wounds we receive will help us to Hear the word of God. When you hear His word, and believe it. It will become a word whispered in your ear that’ll make you want to shout it from the rooftops. Healed people, heal people.

God‘s love is far beyond but we could ever even imagine, His plans for us are so beautiful  — that it’ll leave all your brokenness shocked. Allow God to use your wounds to win others. God is greater than our past wounds.

May God Continue to bless you and your Family Abundantly. Prayer for Today: Lord, I thank you for a bright morning. I thank you because you have blessed me so much. I need your help to focus just on you. Lord, renew me today and give me your pleasure and serenity. You are needed today and every day because I adore you. I laud and appreciate you since only you are deserving! Teach me to be joyful always, to pray continually and to give thanks in all my circumstances.

Lord, I don’t want to limit you because I know you are an unlimited God, there is nothing impossible for you to do. I want more and more of your blessings Lord. Bless me and let my family enjoy your blessings. In whatever I do today, let your blessing follow in Jesus name. Amen.

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