God is good. Why wouldn’t you want a relationship with God? Everything He tells us not to do is for our benefit—everything. He wants you
Thẻ: Sermon 2022

Today, we honor the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross because of His love for us. Take some time today and thank God

If there is one thing that is clear about human beings, it is this, people are really good at acclimating to whatever situation they are

”You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing

Are you frustrated because you don’t understand what God is doing? Upset because that friend betrayed you, discouraged over the contract you lost? How do

Joel Osteen married Victoria Osteen (formerly Iloff) on April 4, 1987, and has two children, a son, and a daughter. The couple has always been

Psalm 55 says, “Cast your burdens on the Lord, release the weight of them, and He will sustain you.” How many weights are you carrying

Know how good God is. Know He’s faithful, He loves you, and He’ll never leave you nor forsake you! With God there is no turning,

As a Christian, you work for God. And every day we get up we need to go out into the world and glorify His name!

It is never too late with God! Wait on and trust in God in difficult circumstances and watch as God turns trials into triumphs. Nothing