Psalm 55 says, “Cast your burdens on the Lord, release the weight of them, and He will sustain you.” How many weights are you carrying
Thẻ: Lord

When you’re feeling anxious, I encourage you to meditate on all the words of Philippians 4, and especially these words: “I have learned the secret

What was the first thing that came to mind when you woke up this morning? Beyond what you may feel, know that you are worthy,
Maybe you’re sitting in the ashes looking at what you lost, what didn’t work out, what you’re up against. You could easily live discouraged. It
He alone is enough to fulfill, He alone is worthy of worship, and He alone shows us how to truly love another. You are loved,
How are you today? All things work together for your good. Hang in there, will you? Let the testing of your faith be your greatest
Faith means believing that the blessing of God never fails to follow obedience, no matter the sacrifice. Are there any places in your life where
You who feel isolated. You who feel lonely. Do you ever experience moments when the silence around you — and in you is actually screaming?