If God Can Turn Night Into Day, Trust That He Can Turn Your Burdens Into Blessing

How are you today? All things work together for your good. Hang in there, will you? Let the testing of your faith be your greatest testimony. Trust God in the middle of the mess, the turbulent – dark nights of your soul…. The world can exist as a cold and hopeless place or you can see it as the magnificent creation that God intended for it to be with endless beauty and surprises. Perspective.

When the sunsets on your health. When the sunsets on your finances. When the sunsets on your marriage. When the sunsets on your relationships. When the sunsets on your career. When the sunsets on your household. When the sunsets on your business. When the sunsets on your prayer life. When the sunsets on your academic pursuits. When the sunsets on your God given dreams

May you experience and enjoy the sunset as a blessing, and not a burden. There’s hope in the dark. My friend, continue to keep your eyes on the cross not the conflict. Continue to think on virtuous thoughts, and not vicious thoughts.

The darker your circumstances – the brighter the Gospel. When He doesn’t change our circumstances trust that He’s changing us.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)!

Don’t let the burdens of life to weigh you down. We all have tough times, hard things to handle, or heavy loads to carry. Don’t allow your problems and circumstances to steal your joy.

Life is full of contradictions; with every blessing comes a burden. It’s a blessing to get that bigger house; it’s a burden to have more to clean. It’s a blessing to have that baby; it’s a burden to get up in the middle of the night. The mistake we make is wanting the blessing without the burden. That’s not reality. They come as a package. The key is to learn to enjoy the blessing while the burden is still there.

Psalm 55 says, “Cast your burdens on the Lord, release the weight of them, and He will sustain you.” How many weights are you carrying around? The weight of worry, the weight of what you don’t understand, the weight of, “How am I going to make it through this tough season?” There’s something you have to do. God is not going to take the burden away. You have to release the worry, release the frustration, release having to figure it out. Come back to a place of peace.

The right attitude is, “God, my life is in Your hands. I commit my dreams, my family, my finances, my health to You. I’m not going to fight everything I don’t like. I’m not going to live upset when it doesn’t go my way. I know You’re working all things for my good. I trust Your timing. I trust Your ways.”

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