Powerful Message “Winning God’s Way” From Joyce Meyer

When you’re in a war and fighting a battle, and you have God as your captain, there’s no way you are not going to win!
Most of us are happy when we get what we want. That’s just the way people are. Other things become more important than having our wants fulfilled when we walk with God as we should—things like seeking God’s desires for our lives, hearing His voice as we make decisions, and being obedient to His leadership in every situation.

God’s given us power to look beyond where we are right now and to always have hope. Oh, my, gosh, hope is so powerful.
The only way to win in life is to do things God’s way. Then, even if we don’t get what we want, we have the enormous joy of knowing we listened to God’s voice—a satisfaction that outlasts any earthly property or achievement.
Wanting to do what is right and what is wrong at the same time is not alien to any of us. We all fight the same battles, but I want you to make a decision right now that with God’s help you are going to win the war.

If we refuse to give up, each situation we go through shows us God’s faithfulness, and over time we realize that He truly never lets us down. Things may not always turn out as we hope they will, but eventually, we see that God’s way is best.
As long as we believe the Word of God, no matter what we see, no matter what we think, no matter what we feel, God is working in our lives and we have already won the battle.
Believe it or not, we should be thankful for all the difficult people in our lives because they help us: they sharpen and refine us for God’s use.
If you go to God in prayer about something and you’re not getting a result right away, instead of saying, “Well, this isn’t working,” say, “I believe that God is working and I will see the results.” You know, we don’t always see the results immediately and that’s that testing period where the enemy wants us to give up and that’s where we need to be persistent.
There’s always hope in Jesus Christ. He says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” and He means that. So don’t you give up hope.
Prayer Starter: Father, I want to do things Your way. Please continue to alter me so that everything I do reflects Your character in my thoughts, words, attitudes, and deeds. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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