Don’t Miss This Powerful Message, “God’s Strength In You” From Joel Osteen

The scripture says, “Take hold of God’s strength.” It will be overwhelming if you don’t remind yourself that this is not a surprise to God. He wouldn’t have allowed it if you couldn’t bear this weight. Since He did allow it, that means you’re well able. Now, all through the day, take hold of that strength.

When we are strong inwardly—in our determination, thoughts, and attitudes—as well as strong in our faith, we can do whatever we need to do in life. This is a prayer I pray for my family and myself practically every day.

Don’t merely “attempt” to be strong; instead, seek God’s help, knowing that He can equip you to accomplish everything through Him. When the Holy Spirit is on the inside, His strength will show up on the outside.

When was the last time you asked God to do something impossible, something out of the ordinary? One reason we don’t see God do great things is that we only ask for small things. There should be something you’re praying about that you can’t accomplish in your own strength—that’s when you’ll see God’s power.

Colossians 3:12 says, “God has given us the power to endure whatever comes our way with a good attitude.” Maybe you’re not being treated fairly. It’s one thing to be negative; that doesn’t take any faith. But if you want to pass the test, you’ve got to put a smile on your face and have a good attitude.

Psalms 89 says, “Our power is based on His favor.” If you want to be powerful, you’ve got to tap into God’s favor. If you want to overcome challenges, if you want to break free from bondages, it doesn’t just happen in your own strength. It happens in God’s strength.

All you can control is your own response. That’s where the power lies. Make a decision that no matter what comes your way, you’re not going to let it sour your life.

No matter what happens in your life, no matter what comes against you, no matter what challenges you have, you can do whatever you need to do in life through Christ who strengthens you.

No matter how deep of a pit you may feel you are in, God’s arm is not too short to reach in and lift you out. He will set you on high places and give you peace that passes all understanding and joy that you cannot describe. God will meet you where you are and help you get to where you need to be.

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