“Father, Thank You That You Are Full Of Mercy, I’m Asking You To Bless Me, Not Because I Deserve It, But Because Of How Good You Are.”

God said to Abraham, “I will bless you and you will be a blessing.” One key to being blessed is: Are you willing to be a blessing?  Make it a priority to be good to people.

God is full of mercy. When we get off course, the moment we turn back to Him, He comes running toward us, not in judgment but in mercy.

God is not holding anything against you. He’s not judging you by your mistakes. He’s not finding fault.  God is full of mercy. He wants to bless you in spite of your failures.

God knows how to pay you back. You may have made mistakes, but God is full of mercy. It may seem impossible, but God has all power. He controls the universe. He’s seen what you’ve been through; He’s seen what wasn’t fair.

All through Scripture, we read that God wants to bless us. And not only does He want to bless us, He has a way to bless us. He has a system set in place so that when we do things His way, we get His results!

Today, if you’ve never stepped out in faith in the area of giving, ask God to show you one way to be a blessing to someone.

Ask Him what He wants you to give today. Scripture says to try Him. Prove Him. That means to take a step of faith and let God show you His faithfulness! Honor Him and put Him first in your life, and He will honor you.

Remember, you can’t out give God and when you become a giver and a tither, you can wake up every morning and say, “I am positioned for a blessing!”

Each moment that we’re given is a precious gift from God. We can choose to have a thankful attitude and live each moment full of joy, simply because God is good and He has given us much to be thankful for!

God’s mercies are new for you right now! Receive the mercy He has for you and extend mercy to everyone around you.

“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in compassion and lovingkindness.” -Psalm 103:8

Mercy is a gift you can’t earn or buy. It’s simply given so you may know God’s goodness. How can you show someone you love or even a total stranger God’s mercy today?

Why are you believing those lies that God won’t bless you, that you don’t deserve it, that you’re not worthy? Do yourself a favor, quit telling God all of that and go to Him. “Father, thank You that You are full of mercy. I’m asking You to bless me, not because I deserve it, but because of how good You are.” That kind of boldness is what gets God’s attention. That’s what He listens to.

We can be thankful that God loves us and chooses to make His home in us. This choice is not based on any good deeds we have done or every could do, but solely on the grace, mercy, power, and love of God.

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