Trust God When You Don’t Understand

We can fully trust God even when we don’t understand what is happening and points to Romans 8:28 and encourages: “God saw life on the other side of death. He saw freedom on the other side of the crucifixion.”

Even when you don’t understand, trust God. Just as Jesus said to the disciples, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.” Let worship be your praise through the unknown because God knows exactly what He’s doing when it comes to you.

God is fully aware of all the details of your life and is prepared to meet your needs. When we turn to God for help, we can trust that He knows what He’s doing and His way is perfect.

Trials tend to shift our focus off of God and onto our situation. But when you focus on your situation, it looms far larger than it actually is—overwhelming you with impossibility. Instead of being distracted by your circumstance or putting trust in earthly change, trust God’s character.⠀

Trust the fact that He is both the beginning and the end of everything, the provider of all things good and the sustainer of those who follow Him.⠀

This is what I’m trusting in this season. When I move my eyes off Christ, I give into fear, but when I keep them fixed on His goodness, I am not overwhelmed. God is good for His Word. He is good for His love. He is the very epitome of good.

Today, trust God when He says who you are. Trust that you are His.

Stand guard against doubt and walk in faith that God knows your path, and that before you were even born, He knew your identity—and He loved you. Remind yourself of the truth about Him. Consider writing down truths about God in places you can see them so you have something to fill your mind with each time you “cast your cares.”

According to Isaiah, God is with you; He is yours; He will strengthen you; He upholds you; and He is righteous. Jesus wants to bear your burden. He gives true, lasting rest—rest spiritually, emotionally and even physically. But you have to let Him carry you.

I don’t know what kind of season you are currently in, friend, but I do know the character of the God Who is with you in the midst of it. I know He has you, I know He loves you and I know He will grow you through it! Take heart and keep your eyes fixed on Him.

You can trust God when life feels impossible—start by remembering where you are physically, and that there is no place on this earth He can’t reach. God’s Word says: My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 12:12)

There is nothing He doesn’t see or can’t fix. There is nowhere His hands haven’t touched. And no matter what you’re going through, you’re not alone. Let go and trust God. He is able to do beyond what you are asking or hoping for (Ephesians 3:20).

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not wonder, imagine or obsess but literally pray and trust God that things WILL work out.

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