Today We Wanted To Remind You That God Is In The Business Of Making All Things New And Christ Is Still Your Advocate

Taking your thoughts captive may take practice, but remember, you always have been and always will be who God says you are.

Because we belong to Christ, the fruits of His Spirit abide in us. In Him, we are loved, adopted, protected, defended and treasured. We are His children. We are co-heirs with Christ. As we recognize who God has made us to be, we can cling to this identity even when we are tempted to doubt.

Today, trust God when he says who you are. Trust that you are His. Stand guard against doubt and walk in faith that God knows your path, and that before you were even born, He knew your identity—and He loved you.

God says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” (Psalm 32:8)

Have you given your day to God yet? Believe it or not, God is interested in every detail of your life, just like the Father that He is. Those things that concern you, big or small, He’s invested in because of His love for you.

When you rest on His mind, He can’t help but want to give you the best direction for your life. You should know that right now God wants to guide you in the details. His thoughts of you are endlessly precious because He cares for you. Not only are you not forgotten, but you are watched over and cared for every moment of every day.

God says He will finish the work He’s started in us! Don’t let your failures stop you but let God’s grace free you to keep progressing in Him in despite of yourself! There is mercy for your process.

As we walk in faith that God is still with us, persevering in prayer and devotion, we will find rest in the presence of God.

Whatever the circumstance, our faith must rest on the firm foundation of who God says He is. In order to continue trusting God in the silent times, we must remind ourselves of His character: God is the very epitome and essence of love. Silent seasons will always point back to His character, drawing us near to Him so He can draw near to us.

1 John 4:16 says, “We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” It is not enough to know God loves us; we must also believe it. When we truly believe that God loves us and live in that love, the presence of God resides with us no matter how distant He seems.

God sees you where you are and cares for you when you need it most. Turning to Him, instead of just ourselves, in our moment of need is the best position we could be in.

It shows Him we trust Him, it shows Him we believe in who He says He is and produces faith. And faith pleases God. Faith activates His wisdom and sovereignty into our circumstance.

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