We paint a picture with our life, and our children put their own frame around it. Paint a picture that your children will be proud
Thẻ: God
Is something tempting you? You can overcome. Speak this truth over your situation each time you are tempted: “I will Walk and live by the

God is faithful, what He promised you is on route to you, even if you aren’t seeing the signs. Faith is knowing that God is
When we step out to do what God has called us to do, Scripture says that His favor surrounds us like a shield. Let His
The dictionary defines mercy as “kindness in excess of what might be expected or demanded of fairness”. Mercy isn’t fair, but it’s godly. It’s not
II Corinthians12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for you…” That means God’s grace will always be there for you and it will always be exactly
When it comes to letting go of the past and forging on to the abundant life God has in store, it’s time to be assertive
God’s joy is inside you, but you must cultivate it. You have to tap into His joy. You have to develop it and practice it.
When you’re under pressure, under stress, overwhelmed by a situation, too often we forget what God has said, and we go by what we see.
When Jesus rose from the 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑑, grief departed, and His suffering—so wrenching and complete—became a thing of the past. At the moment of Christ’s resurrection,