Lord, We Look To You For Comfort And Strength

God gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. -Isaiah 40:29-30

When you step out, strength will come, courage will come, favor will come. Are you choosing comfort over the calling? Are there areas where you know you need to make changes?

God is saying, “If you’ll choose My calling over your comfort, if you’ll do what I’m asking you to do even though it’s difficult, then I’ll step in and give you supernatural strength. I’ll give you the confidence, the audacity, and the favor you need to achieve your goals, conquer barriers, and go places you couldn’t go on your own.”

God will never ask you to do something and then not give you the power to do it. He is not attempting to take something from you; rather, he is attempting to provide you with something greater. You’ll enter a new level of your destiny if you believe Him and do what you know you need to do.

You may be up against a big challenge today. You’ve done everything you can in your own strength. When you come to the end of your ability, when you don’t see a way, when all the odds are against you, don’t get discouraged. Just keep thanking God for His favor, and He will help you overcome.

Philippians 4:19 says, “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches…” We look at our situation and think that we’ll never have enough or we’ll never make it through this. But it’s not according to what you have, it’s according to what He has. The good news is, God owns it all.

Allow every storm you go through, every bad break, to push you to trust God in a greater way.  When you don’t think you’ll make it through, God turns it around. He gives you strength when you don’t think you can go on.

When life gets tough and things don’t look like they’ll work out, you can live by faith knowing that God has already written the final chapter.

God has given us enough reason to believe that anything we face can be overcome, because He is the one going before us and He cannot fail.

When we feel like we’re running out, we’re in the perfect position to have a run in with Jesus and be fueled by His grace. Some of the holiest moments are when God’s presence is invited in—the simple, daily movements where He meets our weaknesses.

As you go into the day and into the week, meditate on this: “Where does my strength come from? Where does my victory come from?”

In times of difficulty, declare, “God, I know Your grace is sufficient. I have the power to be here with a good attitude. I believe at the right time, You will change it. But if it never changes. I’m still going to be my best and honor You.”

In times of difficulty, declare, “God, I know Your grace is sufficient. I have the power to be here with a good attitude. I believe at the right time, You will change it. But if it never changes. I’m still going to be my best and honor You.”

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” Ephesians 6:10

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