I Choose Jesus Over Everything

When life gets hard, we can either choose to lean in to God or turn away. Jesus is always with us during the storm, we simply need to rely on His strength to get us through it!

No matter what you’re going into this week, remember God has already gone before you. He has seen the days unfold and He is keeping you still. Those things which are out of your hands are already within His hands.

So as Christ says in John 14:1, “Don’t let your heart be troubled” as you choose a daily walk of surrender this week, trusting that He cares for the details of your life and will always have your best at heart. Remember you are never walking along when you are walking with Christ.

Today we want to encourage you to let go of the disappointments of this past week and trust God with the days to come!

When the storms of life come crashing in Jesus calls us to keep our eyes on Him and trust that He will keep us above waters. He has kept you in the past and He will continue to keep you because His faithfulness never changes!

In reality, many times that looks like surrendering our thoughts to Christ every day to help keep our peace rooted in His sovereignty. Faith and fear are both a matter of believing. It’s up to us to choose where we will place our thoughts- in our worries or in Christ. When we choose Christ we are choosing a perfect love that covers us and overcomes fear.

What are you surrendering to God today?

Jesus didn’t wait until we were perfect to choose us. He was always ready to meet us right where we were.

Romans 5:8 says that God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. This is one of the most beautiful verses because it shows us a picture of how unconditional and perfect God’s love is for His children even at our worst.

In the spirit of Christmas, let’s remember that we serve a God who came down and became one of us so that we could one day join Him in where He is, in Heaven. So no matter where you are, what you’re struggling with or how far you may feel from God, know that He is the kind of God who will meet you exactly as you are and love you no less.

When Jesus is in your heart and you choose to follow Him-His glory will shine through you and your life. When you allow God to lead you- you will learn to love others as He loves them. And God’s light inside you will inspire and bring people into His Kingdom.

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