Happy New Month Prayer Messages for October 2022

A new month should be met with prayers to the one who can make all things beautiful in His time. Thus, take it to God in prayers as soon as the old month is about to fold up and another is about to begin.

Experience a supernatural breakthrough in your business, career, academics, marriage and finances as you make these new month prayer points for breakthroughs your habit for the new month of October 2022.

#1 In this new month, may you always testify as you live, and may you receive more than a downpour of rain of blessings? Happy new month.

#2 Lord, help me by mercy to attain a new milestone of successes in all my endeavors, bless the works of my hands.

#3 Father, grant me victory over any obstacle on my way to success in this new month in the name of Jesus.

#4 Father, this new month, opens to me new opportunities to break forth and breakthrough financially in Jesus’ name.

#5 Father, I receive a change of status and immeasurable amount of favor in the new month in Jesus’ name.

#6 Thank you for living within me Father. I believe we are close and I love that you are always within me. I rejoice because you give me strength to tackle anything that life throws me. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

#7 Get ready for the new things God is about to do. Get ready for new levels of God’s favor. Get ready for abundance for maximum success this month in Jesus’ name.

#8 In this new month, I shall experience divine turn around. The power of God will be manifested fully in my life. Heavenly angels shall arise for my sake; they’ll fight my battle and bestow on me the victory. I shall take a delight in overcoming my enemies. My month of revival is now. I shall become undeniably great; I’ll rise and shine. The time for me to take control has arrived. The devil will not succeed in putting me to shame. My efforts shall result in success. My breakthrough is for sure.

#9 Lord, the grace to walk by revelation of your word and not by assumption for maximum breakthrough this month is released into my life in Jesus’ name.

#10 I decree that this new month shall be my month of immeasurable progress and success. Failure is a thing of the past and success is my portion from now till forever. With the speed of the Holy Spirit, I shall progress.

#11 Father, I cast and bind every spirit of poverty or debt from my life in this month in the name of Jesus, I will live in divine abundance throughout the month in Jesus’ name.

#12 Thank you Father that you have given me authority over the storms and darkness. Father, I ask for your faith and strength to shift atmospheres with your power.

#13 Lord, I will live to fulfill your plans and purpose for my life in this month, fruitfulness is my portion in Jesus’ name.

#14 In this new month and beyond, may all abandoned projects begin to rise for your favour in Jesus name. Happy new month.

#15 As long as you serve God, songs of joy shall full your mouth in this new month and beyond, in Jesus name. Happy new month.

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