Great Message Today From Joel Osteen, “Faith Is All About Trusting God Even When You Don’t Understand His Plan”

When God removes something from your life – a relationship, a friendship, a job, a spouse- it’s because God has something better for you. He’s not taking something from you, he’s trying to get something TO you. It’s quite a different perspective I find inspiring and hope-giving.

God is constantly chiseling away at our defects of character and making us stronger. It might not feel good at the time, but we have to cooperate with what God is doing so we can reach our highest potential. I can attest to this on so many levels.

God has removed so many unhealthy people from my life. He took me out of an unhealthy marriage and a stressful dead end job and put me onto the path to freedom, health, prosperity, and my destiny. Hope this encourages someone today!

God is faithful. Don’t let the lack of evidence convince you that nothing is happening. In the unseen realm, things are changing in your favor. Have faith in God. Every day you stay in faith—you thank God that He’s working, you do the right thing when nothing is changing—your spiritual muscles are growing.

If you’ll stay in faith, at some point, you’re going to see what God was doing behind the scenes. Suddenly, things will fall into place. Suddenly, you’ll meet the right person. Suddenly, your business will take off. What happened? You saw what God was up to all those months and years that you didn’t think anything was happening. Behind the scenes, things were coming together.

Prayer becomes more powerful and effective when we receive by faith what we are believing for. Quit playing in your mind those negative thoughts, stir up your faith and declare God’s promises over your life. Healing, promotion and blessing are already set for you!

Faith is the leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust. That means you need to lean all of yourself on God, believing that only He can accomplish His will and purpose in your life. Your only job is to abide in Him in faith.

As you are quiet before the Lord at the end of your day, believe and lean your entire personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence.

Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, I trust you to accomplish your purpose in my life. Thank You for another day to do your will, amen.

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