Grace and Peace, Grace Empowers Us And Peace Leads Us

As I started my prayer time this morning, I asked the Lord to speak something to my heart that would be important for my life. The thought that roared into my heart was,

Be at peace—always be at peace. Grace empowers us and peace leads us. You need both to get to your destiny!

Your life today is a direct result of the seeds you’ve planted in the past with your words and actions. If you want to change your future, change the seeds you are sowing today! Sow His Word and reap His life, grace, and peace now and in the future!

Grace always comes before peace. God’s grace is what gives us peace!

Grace can be defined in many ways; one is God’s undeserved favor and blessing. I often define it as this: God’s power—given to us as a free gift—which enables us to do with ease what we could never do alone with any amount of struggle and effort.

Grace manifests as forgiveness, mercy, strength for our weaknesses, and probably thousands of other ways.

If God asks us to stay in a situation, then He is going to give us a special grace, for a special season, to experience His peace and joy despite the circumstances.

Because of His grace, God forgives our sins, which leads us to peace with Him and freedom from guilt. We may face our flaws and know that God still loves us and that our flaws do not disqualify us from His kingdom because of grace.

Thankfully, we don’t have to be perfect in order to receive God’s help! Another definition of grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense, and that is exactly what we have available to us daily through our faith.

We can be thankful that God loves us and chooses to make His home in us. This decision is based purely on God’s grace, mercy, power, and love, not on any good deeds we have done or could do.

Worship ushers in the presence of God. In His presence is fullness of joy, peace, grace, healing, provision—everything you need! Worship Him today, put Him first, and watch Him supply all of your needs!

Today, I pray for peace in relationships, for grace and forgiveness to abound, and for God to heal and restore connections that have been broken. Remember, He makes all things new.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for Your grace that leads to peace. Help me to receive Your grace every day, instead of struggling in my own strength. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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