God Is Not A Genie In A Bottle, He’s your Heavenly Father, Instead Of Wishing Upon A Star, Pray To The Maker Of All Things

Not every prayer will be answered when, — and how you’d like it to be answered. Don’t stop believing, — and don’t put your trust in stuff. Even if that stuff looks good — God has greater in store for you. Trust His plan for your life, and not your own.

Today, can you say you believe Him? or did you walk away from Him because you didn’t get “it” your way. Whatever it is…..If you say: I believe in God, I trusted God, and He didn’t come through; then you only trusted God to meet your agenda

When you are feeling the pressures, pains and problems of life, where do you turn? Take a moment and really think about it. Turn to Jesus and find His strength! It’s time to pray and seek God. There’s no peace apart from Him! If your feeling unwell and uncertain about your future, pray. Nothing more and nothing less.

Trust that even in the twists and turns of life, God’s in control, and He’s forever faithful. That’s what faith is all about. And He won’t quit now. He is faithful to the promises that He has given us through His word!

In order to let go of your problems you have to change your perspective to see Gods promises again.

It can be hard to loosen our grip, to let go, and to lean unto God wholeheartedly. My friend , letting go can feel like risky business and dreadful and uncomfortable at times. Yet it’s in the difficult moments when we can become the most dependent on God. Amazing right?

Sometime it takes seeing how were down to nothing – to look up and realize that God is up to something.

Whatever today brings, you can let go and trust God to be in control. It is no risk to trust the One who is totally trustworthy. God will come through for you, my friend, because “He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).

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