God Cares When You Are Suffering Because He Loves You

I will be glad and rejoice in Your unfailing love, for You have seen my troubles, and You care about the anguish of my soul. (Psalm 31:7). God cares for you. Do you believe that? Really. God cares. He’s very much aware of everything you’re going through.

When things are hard, it can be easy to feel alone or like no one cares. But God cares. He cares about your sadness and hardships. He cares about your suffering. Why? Because God loves you.

Even when things seem hopeless, you can still hope in God. God does not promise He will fix our problems in the immediate sense. We will experience pain and suffering and sorrow. But He does promise that one day, everyone who has a relationship with Him will spend eternity in His presence, where suffering and sorrow will be gone forever.

If your situation leaves you disoriented, God will be your Shepherd. If your soul is parched and your spirit thirsty, God will be your Living Water. If your cheeks are streaked with tears because you just don’t know if it will ever be okay again, His compassions will not fail you. He will wipe away every tear.

God deeply cares for you, and because He does, even if your situation isn’t okay, you will be okay. I promise, my friend. He has done and is doing that for me, and I know He will for you too.

God is not just telling us, “It will get better later,” and leaving it at that. God hurts when you hurt because He loves you. He is always there to comfort you with His unfailing love as you bring your struggles to Him.

Even if you are in the midst of a difficult time or are grieving a great loss, there is still reason for hope. Everything around you may feel like it’s falling apart. Everything inside of you may feel like it’s falling apart. But God’s love and mercy will never fail you.

Ask God to give you hope because of His never-ending love. Ask Him to fill you with His peace that is more powerful than all of the hard things in your life. Every day is a new opportunity to receive God’s mercy and love.

God cares about the details of your life. When we pray for God’s wisdom or confirmation into our circumstances these are the prayers of childlike faith that are pleasing to Him. These are the prayers that He wants to answer as He guides you along the best pathway for life (Psalm 32:8).

In fact James 1:15 say, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

So today we encourage you to seek prayer, seek His word, seek trusted counsel if something has you in question. See what God may have to show you on the matter as you may begin to see things much clearer than before. Then pursue His leading with all your heart.

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