Be Inspired By This Message From Joel Osteen, Jesus Is “Relationship”, Not “Religion”

When it all is said and done, At the end of the day, there’s one thing I know with all my heart: knowing Jesus is better than anything this world will ever offer you.

Better than our self righteousness. Better than our church attendance. Better than marriage. Better than a tithe record. Better than our connects. Better than any relationship. Better than a career. Better than money. Better than food. Better than fame. Better than a video game.

Do you believe that friend? We were created to know and enjoy God, but sadly we’ve all fallen short of his glory and are not good enough to be in his company and enjoy the rich fellowship with him we were made for.

Here’s the beautiful thing — That’s why Jesus came. That’s why the gospel is truly the good news. The steel door has been opened for sinners to be reunited to their God! Hallelujah!

​Reading the promises of God and then trusting He will fulfill them generates hope, and hope is a powerful happiness generator. The only way we will find true happiness in this world is to seek Holy Happiness, the happiness that comes from leaning into a steadfast relationship with God who loves you and wants what is best for you in all seasons of your life.

Just in case you’re wondering – Knowing Him is enough. Jesus is “relationship”, not “religion”. Jesus Christ is sovereign over every human relationship, including the one you have with your mom. He can heal the hurt, repair the damage and sustain you in the slow process of building trust (or setting up boundaries).

Repent, believe, call on His name and be saved; forgive others so your Heavenly Father can forgive you; love God with ALL your heart and love others.

Serve and take care of each other.  Spent quiet time alone with Him in prayer and listen to Him.  Follow Him and He will make your paths straight. This is what our loving God desires of you.

God’s strength allows you to surrender the weight of your worry over to Him and walk in the joy of that freedom. Of course that doesn’t mean you don’t have responsibilities or decisions to make, but it does mean you can turn to His almighty grace to guide you through. Our strength and happiness comes from obedience to Him.

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