Our God Is The God Of Second Chances , When You Fall, God Comes Running Toward You

The Scripture says, “Don’t think it strange when you face fiery trials.” Don’t be discouraged because life has thrown you a curve ball. You ran into a problem that you weren’t expecting. Sometimes you face challenges not because you’re doing something wrong, but because you’re doing something right.

Our God is the God of second chances. When you fall, He comes running toward you. When you turn your back on Him, He doesn’t turn His back on you.

When you’re good to people, when you meet a need, when you become a miracle, God will make sure that you get paid back. Your gifts, your generosity, your kindness will come back to you.

When God puts something in your heart and deep down you know it’s a destiny moment, don’t wait for ten confirmations. Do what God is asking you to do now.

You can’t run from God. He already knows what you’re going to do next, and He’ll be there. Not to judge you, but to repair you, to assist you in getting back on the right track. You can still become who God created you to be.

Colossians 3:12 says, “God has given us the power to endure whatever comes our way with a good attitude.” Maybe you’re not being treated fairly. It’s one thing to be negative; that doesn’t take any faith. But if you want to pass the test, you’ve got to put a smile on your face and have a good attitude.

When God sees you not only trusting Him, but also doing good things for people, that’s when He promises your gifts will come back. Your kindness will be returned.

We declare we will experience God’s faithfulness. We will not worry. We will not doubt. We shall continue to put our faith in God, knowing that He will not let us down. We will see every promise that God has placed in our hearts come true, and we will become everything that God intended for us.

God has a great plan and He is directing our steps. And even though we may not always understand how, we know this situation is not a surprise to God. He will work out every detail to our advantage. In His perfect timing, everything will turn out right.

You don’t know why God has put someone in your path. It’s not a coincidence. God has strategically lined up every person, every detail, every step of your life. Now do your part. Don’t miss an opportunity to be a blessing.

We should rejoice in the fact that we serve a God of multiple chances. One thing that is true for everyone is that we’ve all failed God. We have all fallen short. God is not obligated to forgive us. Out of His grace and mercy He has sent His perfect Son as the propitiation for our sins.

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