When You Are Pursuing God’s Will For Your Life, He Will Give You Peace

When we trust God with our goals, dreams and plans- ALL things are possible and can come together. The reason I emphasize this so much, is because I know what it’s like to try and do things on my own. Today, make the decision to take action and trust God. He can move in mighty ways that we can’t do by ourselves.

You believe that God is keeping you. You believe that God still has a plan for you. You believe that God has closed (even seemingly good) doors because He has better in mind specifically for you. Trust His purpose not your pain. Because you were created to live in the fullness of life.

​Ever feel that you are carrying worries that God did not intend you to bear? Fear has a way of sneaking up on all of us. With God’s truth you have a way to break away from the fear and release the weight of it.

God tells us how to be in peace. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” (Isaiah 26:3).

You don’t need to measure problems according to your own abilities, you are blessed by faith to be able to choose to hand the situations you cannot manage yourself, over to God … and He will do the rest.

Safeguard your thoughts and keep God foremost in your mind. Pause to pray and praise Him when you wake up and during your day sit in God’s presence and know that He is with you wherever you go.

God is our source of peace. He is our peacemaker and our healer.

He wants us to seek Him both in our times of triumph but also in our times of worry. If you’re having trouble finding serenity these days, remember that you’re not alone. The world can appear to be turned on its head. It’s crucial to remember that it’s normal to feel out of sorts, but no matter what, you must continue to seek God.

Not only is Jesus our source of peace and our ultimate comforter but He is also our friend. Genesis 1:27 points out that we were created in God’s image, and then in John 3:16, we are reminded that Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with us.

Leave your worries in God’s sovereign hands. Pray to Him. Let Him know your true feelings. He is waiting for us to draw near to Him, all we have to do is talk to Him and open our lives to Him.

A prayer for peace: God, You know everything I’m dealing with and I’m thankful for that. All I need is to sense the strength of Your presence. Lord, please assist me to shift my focus away from my circumstances and onto You.

Take my stress, frustration, and fear and offer me a tranquility that is beyond comprehension. Assist me in seeing things from Your perspective. You’re not afraid of anything.

You have complete control over everything. No matter what happens today, I know You’ll give me the grace to get through it in victory. Even now I am filled with peace and joy because Your presence is with me. Lord, I thank You for Your peace and I pray that You would use me as a witness of Your Word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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