When It Seems Like There’s No Way, Jesus Is Way-Maker, Miracle-Worker, Light In The Darkness

With God’s help, there is always a way. This is a beautiful truth to be grateful for. It may not be easy; it may not be convenient; it may not come quickly. You may have to go over, under, around, or through difficulty—but if you will simply keep on keeping on, you will find a way.

Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.” He is the Way, and He will help you find a way even where there doesn’t seem to be one.

God is going to make a way where you don’t see a way. God is not just a way maker; He is the way.

God can create what you need. That’s why He’s called the great I AM.  “I AM whatever you need. I AM favor, I AM breakthroughs, I AM healing, I AM abundance.”

Jesus said we are salt and light. The only thing that gets rid of darkness is light, and salt gives flavor. That means people should look at you and say, “You give flavor to everything. The way you live your life just makes things better.”

David said in Psalm 91, “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my strength, my God, in Him will I trust.” What will you say of the Lord? Declare His goodness and faithfulness in your life today!

Trust that God knows how to lead you. He doesn’t speak to everyone in the same way and learning to hear Him for yourself is a process. Sometimes we make mistakes, but He is a patient teacher and knows how to get our attention.

Do you need power to stand strong in the midst of a storm? Call on Him and He will hear you. The answer is on the way while the words are still on your lips. In our weakness, God is powerful. “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” (Isaiah 40:29, NIV)

Believing that God is good and trusting Him with the unknown is the quickest way to find peace. We simply cannot worry and trust at the same time!

Today, remember that it’s our faith that opens the door for God’s power to work in our lives. What have you been believing God for? Don’t give up! Press through!

Keep asking. Keep seeking because God is faithful! As you press through, He’ll meet your faith with His miraculous power, and you’ll step forward in the victory He has planned for you!

God is going to come through for you in your situation! I see victories in long personal battles especially. Breakthrough is coming in Jesus’ name!

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