We Should Walk So That If The Heavens Should Roll Back Today And Jesus Came Today, We Would Have Nothing To Hide

When you put your faith in Jesus, it changes everything in your life and transforms the way you think. ​

You see people as God sees them. You discover a personal mission to join God in His plan for the world. Jesus really lived and died and rose again. The more time you spend in God’s Word the clearer you will be able to see what thoughts help you and what thoughts don’t belong to you.

​God wants you to be free of suffering and to reside in His mercy and love, He want’s your mind to be clear and focused on the good that He is always providing.

Jesus will return like this in the clouds one to call us Home the Trumpet will sound and We will be going Home what a glorious day.

Jesus said, “According to your faith, it will be done to you.” He was saying in effect, “If you have a cup, I’ll fill your cup with blessings. If you have a barrel, I’ll fill your barrel. But if you have a barn, I’ll fill your barn.”The Scripture says, “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things” (Psalm 81:10 NLT). What are you expecting? If you take the limits off God and expect His far-and-beyond favor, He won’t disappoint you.

Today, I want to remind you that Jesus said, “I came that you may have life, and have it in abundance” (John 10:10). He was saying that He came so that we could live an abundant life, an extraordinary life, an exceptional life. But too often, we take our God-given extraordinary life and we reduce it down in our thinking to average, mediocre, mundane. That’s why God wants you to be extraordinary in your thinking.

Extraordinary begins with who you are. God says you are His masterpiece, an original creation. You have callings and gifts that are matchless. Only you can do what God has called you to do. Only you were created to be you. You were designed uniquely to be extraordinary and to live an extraordinary life.

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