Wait On God, He Is Working Everything Out For Your Good And His Glory

I am a person of action, and when there is a problem, I am ready to take action, but sometimes I make the situation worse because I didn’t wait to get God’s plan. Being assertive has many advantages, but if we use it without the guidance of God, it can also backfire.

I am reminded today of the importance of maintaining an attitude of waiting on God. I am not suggesting inactivity but rather the highest form of spiritual activity, that of trusting God in every area of life.

Wait on Him for strength, healing, wisdom, and opportunity. Await God’s revelation of Himself and His great favor before acting. God seeks for individuals who are depending on Him and waits to be gracious to us.

Sometimes God proves His love to us by what He’s not letting us have. It doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. We just have to spend a little more time in the waiting room: growing, developing, getting experience, learning to trust Him, learning to forgive, learning to be good to those that have wronged us, being mature enough to wait with a good attitude. The sooner we pass these tests, the sooner God will release the things that belong to us.

Waiting on God is mostly an attitude of the heart. One that is fully aware that God is everything and we are nothing without Him. We should pray and refuse to take action without assurance that God is leading. Go to Him as early as possible each day, which is the moment you wake up. He is always near, and you need no special preparation to begin fellowshipping with Him. Always remember that God loves you unconditionally and is with you at all times.

We need to learn how to wait on God. God does things in His timing, not ours, so we need to learn to wait with patience and a good attitude. Everybody waits, so we might as well learn to wait well!

Prayer Starter: Father God, I desire to form a habit of waiting on You all throughout the day. Help me not to rush ahead into activities and decisions without acknowledging You. Thank You for Your presence. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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