Many think God’s creation plan is centered on men, but that is not true. God is a God of purpose. He plans what He will
Thẻ: Powerful Message
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ…” (2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJ) Isn’t it wonderful to know that God promises

God loves you because He loves you. He does not love you based on your performance in the world. There is nothing you can do

You could say that the Bible is a love letter from God…that’s about God. In other words, because God loves us so much, he revealed

God will take you where you’re at and He’ll help you get to where you need to be. God can use you on every level.

We have a Father in heaven who loves us more than we can imagine—who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and will always be there for us. Nothing

God is getting ready to surprise you with a wonderful downpour of blessings. Remain connected to His presence and obey His Word. Stop doubting and

Every day is a new day with God. His mercies are fresh every morning, regardless of where you find yourself or the difficulties you may

Just when you think all hope is lost, God reaches down and Says: “Take My hand and let me lead the way together we can
Joel Osteen has often avoided talking on controversial topics rather focused on spreading love and harmony among his followers. His motivational speeches can inspire everyone