We all go through difficult times in life. Maybe a loved one let you down. Maybe you didn’t get the job or promotion you wanted.
Thẻ: Blessing

“Believe that God is in control. There is no need to be stressed out or worried” – Joel Osteen “To reach up for the new,

Trust His plan. God’s plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard. But, it will work out for your good. If
After Jesus’s death, the disciples were terrified, behind locked doors, confident everything had ended. But nothing is impossible with God. With God all things are
At times I don’t like the fact that I’m weak. More than often I fear my weaknesses — I forget that God supplies all the

What do you have in your hand? God will bless it and multiply it when you give it to Him. You can start by giving
Life is good because God is great. My own saying to myself often, is “never give in to Satan, and never give up on God”
You are blessed, prosperous, redeemed, forgiven, talented, creative, disciplined, focused, confident, secure, equipped, empowered, anointed, accepted, approved, not average, not mediocre, you are a child
God has been showing me that we need to be aware of His present provisions now, and not just in the future. Jesus said in
“As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed.” Daniel 9:23,