Speak This Over Your Pain, “Whatever It Is, God’s Grace Is Sufficient”

God is so good that even our weakness is an opportunity for renewal to take place. An opportunity to grab hold of the peace and power offered to us by the Father. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.”  2 Corinthians 12:9

When you are going through a difficult time, take a moment to remember that the source of strength is the love of Christ in you and through you. Moments of weakness are a gift because it’s where His power is made perfect. In His presence, we find His power.

God is always on time. His grace is sufficient and is enough in our weak moments and seasons.

1 Peter 1:7 reminds us, “these trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold — though your faith is far more precious than mere gold.” We learn that patience, which means “long-suffering,” actually produces character in us.

Every day, God steps into our fallenness and sustains us, lifts us and redeems us. It sheds new light on the meaning of “amazing grace.” He is present no matter what happens, and He loved us enough to send Jesus to make a way out of our fallen world. That’s something to be grateful for — even when life is hard.

Always remember that there is always someone out there. Greater and brighter than the stars at night, who is just waiting for you to run to back to Him. Someone who’s eager to hear your every thought. Someone who’s gonna stop the pulsating pain you feel if not now — in eternity.

Just look up and offer a prayer, or look down into your heart where He stays — calling you.

In times of difficulty, declare, “God, I know Your grace is sufficient. I have the power to be here with a good attitude. I believe at the right time, You will change it. But if it never changes. I’m still going to be my best and honor You.”

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