At the end of Oсtober, photographer Zach Cooley ventured to Arсhes nаtionаl Pаrk іn utаh. There he witnessed an unearthly sight: a full moon illuminated

What do you do when you find a tiny Northern Mockingbird with impaired feet? With a little imagination and some cardboard and tape, you can

A herd of elephants has made their way through China, continuing their 12-month journey from their home to a wildlife sanctuary in Yunnan province. The

Since the release of Steven Spielberg’s Jaws, many people have viewed sharks, along with bears, gorillas, and rhinos, as one of the few creatures that

After attending the scene last week, officials at Seaside Aquarium in northern Oregon identified the enormous, round fish with orange and silver scales as an

“This was really a once-in-a-lifetime moment.” Rahul Singh is a wildlife photographer that has managed to a lot of beautiful shots with a wide range

Found beached in Virginia, US, is a three-foot sea creature with buck teeth that resembles a legless crocodile. The man who discovered it has made

There’s nothing more gorgeous than a tropical beach at sunset, when the sun sets and the environment is enveloped in a magnificent glow. With the