A hoard of more than Anglo Saxon 5,000 coins have been unearthed, including what may be a unique penny. The discovery, near Lenborough, Buckinghamshire is said

Decorated by the skilled lay brother Adalbart Eder, St. Valentinus in Waldsassen wears a biretta and an elaborate, elegantly jewelled version of a deacon’s cassock

The oldest known gold artifacts are located on the necropolis in Varna, a cemetery from 4,560-4,450 BC on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Internationally considered

A man in Australia quite literally struck gold, the BBC reported. It seems that the man, who has not been identified, was on a mission.

A golden medallion with Alexander the Great, dated to the first half of the 3rd century AD. Following information from the Walters Art Museum of

Rare gold coins and a golden earring have been discovered in the ancient Mediterranean port of Caesarea in northern Israel – possibly left and never

A pot of gold from the Crusades worth up to $500,000 has been found buried in an ancient Roman fortress in Israel. The coins were