When we pray, we have to know that God hears us. The Psalmist said, “Lord, You hear me when I call.” Let’s have this same kind of confidence!

God hears us when we call. No matter where you are, no matter what you need, you are never too far from God’s loving hands.

If you’ve been praying and believing for a long time, know that God hears you. He is with you and for you!

God always hears us when we call! “I called on the LORD in distress; The LORD answered me and set me in a broad place. The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Ps 118:5-6

God is faithful, and He hears you today! He has what you need, and no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly before Him. Honor Him in all you do because He wants to supply all of your needs!

When you pray, your words aren’t just going into the air, your prayers are going to the ears of almighty God. He hears, and He will answer!

Take time to pray and invite God into every circumstance because when God enters the scene, miracles happen. We were never meant to handle life on our own!

Today I pray for families and marriages. God is the one who originated family. He desires wholeness, peace and love in your relationships!

Today, I bless you and pray that God will richly reward your diligent efforts at work and with your family. May everything you set your hand to prosper and succeed in Jesus’ name!

Lord, I’m praying God’s love, protection and healing over my family. No matter how old, how young, how near or how far, I now they all need Your grace and help today!

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