Joyce Meyer Was Cured Of Cancer By God, God Says, “You Can Trust Me”

God sometimes speaks by giving us peace deep inside our hearts. You may face situations in which everyone around you is telling you to trust God and be at peace, but the “how to” evades you.

You can trust that God is working on His plan for your life; He is preparing it for you and you for it. His plan may not come on your timetable, but the arrival of your dream is coming. Just have a seat (trust in Him, enter His rest), and when the time is precisely right, He’ll call your name.

Fears are screaming at you, unnerving you, and threatening you. “Everything will be fine,” your friends say, but you don’t believe them until God Himself speaks to your heart and says, “You can trust Me; I will take care of this.” Everything really is going to be all right.”

In 1989, I went to the doctor for a regular checkup. He discovered a fast-growing type of cancer, and recommended surgery immediately.

As a result of this news, I struggled with tremendous fear.I had difficulties sleeping, and there were times when I felt like I was about to pass out from fear. No matter how many members of my family or friends tried to reassure me, I still battled great fear until very early one morning, about 3:00am, God spoke deep inside my heart and said, “Joyce, you can trust Me.”

After that, I did not experience any sickening fear again. I was apprehensive as I waited for results on tests, but I was not terrified. I knew I was in God’s hands and whatever happened, He would take care of me.

As it turned out, I did not need further treatment. When we learn to hear God’s voice, we can learn to be thankful rather than scared in any situation.

We need to do the best with what God has given us. God is concerned about your inner spirit, and how you look is a reflection of how happy and healthy you are on the inside. I believe that by doing simple things like eating well, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and exercising, we can overcome certain ailments. You cannot serve God effectively without taking care of your body.

The world wants you to place your trust in your circumstances, your success, your talents and the opinions of others. But God’s called you to rise above the world, and put your full trust in Him – to believe and apply what He’s promised in His Word more than anything else.

Living this way won’t just happen – you have to be intentional. But where do you begin? We all require assistance in order to make excellent decisions, combat worry, conquer anxiety, and maintain a happy mindset. Readers will learn to grasp life in this way, day by day, with faith in God, by using this devotional.

Prayer Starter: Father, I need you now. You say You love me and see exactly where I am at…and in spite of how I feel, I choose to believe Your Word. In the face of all I am going through, I look to You for help.

I need Your strength to deal with everything that feels too big for me right now. Help me to keep my eyes on You.

Please make Yourself real to me… and encourage me for the road ahead. Help me experience Your love and presence in a tangible way. I give all that I am to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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