Jesus Say, “Focus On Me Not The Storm”

The Bible tells us that there’s a time and season for everything under the sun. I’m so thankful we have a promise that frees us from difficult times!  Things may get worse before they get better, but we know, at some point. We can confidently rejoice because things will get better — eventually if not now in eternity!

Not only that, but while in the midst of the storm, we may cry, complain, blame, or be in the depths of despair. But the beautiful thing about it is that Jesus is always near — and He proves His faithfulness to us every time.

Don’t forget this today: In our worst moments we can still have hope, peace, and even joy. Pain is only temporary but God’s love is eternal. If you are in a tough season, this too shall pass.

Make God your refuge. Make God your refuge! Jesus has promised to be your strong tower in every storm! You can call on the name of Jesus, and He will cover you and surround you with His faithful love. Rest easy today knowing that in every situation, God is your refuge.

Romans 8:28 says : All things will work together for the good of them that love Him, and that are called according  to His purpose. When something bad happens, I start looking for my lesson and my blessing. I know God is allowing the storm to happen for a reason. Faith over fear.

The storm can’t stop our God; He controls the winds. What’s come against you is not a sign that you’re stuck; it’s a sign that promotion is coming. The storm is a sign that God is close to the shore. You’re about to see things change in your favor.

A storm cannot stop what God has purposed. You may be in a situation that doesn’t look good, it would stop most people, but it can’t stop you. You have a purpose; you have an assignment. There is a calling on your life, something God has ordained for you to accomplish. You’re not just filling up space; you’re a person of destiny. There’s a dream God put in your heart. It’s not an option; God has purposed it.

Get ready to rise. When that storm is over, you’re not going to be defeated. You’re going to rise up healthy, blessed, prosperous. You’re not going to look like what you’ve been through. Nobody is going to be able to tell that you went through a difficulty.

When you understand how much God loves you and that He has a great plan for your life, there is no outside circumstance that can change your inner confidence. You can stand through any storm when you’re standing with God!

Jesus is saying when you go through deep waters,     He will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty,     you will not drown. The trials, the problems, the crisis, the tribulations , they will not sweep over you  . When you walk through the fire of oppression,     you will not be burned up;     the flames of life will not consume you.

Therefore, when you pass through the seas of difficulties. “Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulations and continue instant in prayer. Romans 12:12

So remember, God-ordained victory for us, He allows you to thrive and he will strengthen you through the storms of life.

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, which give us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ

Believers the word of God encourages us to pray without ceasing. Since we have a God who hears and answers prayers. Let us come boldly before the throne of God so that we may find help in the time of need.

Dear God: thank You for my storm. Thank You for stripping all that is weak away from me. Never stop standing by me. Continue to embrace me and sit with me. Thank you for carrying me and for teaching me that Faith needs rain to grow.

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