Happy Father’s Day To All The Dads!

I say Happy father’s Day and here’s a rose for everyone who’s missing their father This Day in heaven but also say Happy father’s Day to my heavenly father my God my grace my glory amen

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads! We acknowledge and honor you for your love, leadership, and godly example.

Thank you for investing in the lives of future generations. Your example has greater influence than you will ever know.

And Happy Father’s Day to my dad who has always loved, protected, and been there for me.

Thank you for showing me a father’s love and helping me to have a vision of my Heavenly Father’s love.

HE is EVERWHERE and yet his greatest presence is in you.  The POWER of GOD is in YOU.

Now unto him, that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians’ 3:20

For the kingdom of God is not in word (lip service) but in power. 1 Corinthians 4:20

The word power in these verses is actually under-expressed.  The Greek word that it is interpreted from is dunamai, which means; (miraculous) power, might, strength.

My intentions are to challenge you to see that there is infinite power in you waiting to be activated.

I know Father’s Day can be a difficult day for many of you and I understand how you feel. But I also have seen God move in big ways in my life and in the life of my father. So keep praying and know that I am praying with you.

From our family to yours, Happy Father’s Day! God Bless!

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