God Will Give You The Power To Have Peace In the Midst of the Storm

When life feels overwhelming, there’s only one place we can go for true, lasting peace—Jesus Christ. He is the “Prince of Peace” (see Isaiah 9:6) and the Bible says He’s our shelter in the storm. (Isaiah 4:6).

I used to think that the way to have peace was to get rid of all my problems. It was a lovely day when the Lord showed me that in the midst of my worries, I could come to Him for peace.

It reminds me of the old hymn, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” This is what the refrain says:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face; And the things of the earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.

You see, when we take our cares and worries to God and spend time with Him, we magnify Him or make Him “bigger” in our eyes. When we do, all of our issues and worries seem to fade away. They seem dim and tiny when compared to God.

Your problems may be big, and they are not insignificant to God. But when you keep your eyes on Him, He gives you perspective.

I love Matthew 11:28 (NIV). Jesus says, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

To walk in peace, or live a life full of peace…you will have to make the decision in your mind…and then God will change your heart.

When we “come to Him”—when we read God’s Word, sing a song of worship or just sit and tell Him how good He is—He takes all of our worry, anxiety, fear and sadness and exchanges it with His peace, joy, hope and love.

Every time you go through something hard and somebody comes against you, but you know in your heart that you’ve done what God asked you to do, y

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