God Is Always Working Toward Our Good

Sometimes in the brilliant wisdom of God, He does not take us out of the problems or challenges we confront immediately we pray to Him.

What He does brilliantly is, He allow the situation to stretch our Faith, He permit it to build our Courage, to humble our ego, to develops our character in patience and blesses us in the end with our Hopes through grace, just for Trusting Him and not giving up.

So I encourage you my very good friend, if you find yourself in this situation, calm yourself and don’t allow the pressure of the storm in your life to prematurely abort the blessing God is preparing you for tomorrow.

With God all things are possible, He said so. I believe God. Nothing is to small or to big.

I read a devotional and what I read is so awesome.

God is our bookends , He’s the beining and the end.

When I thought on that. I thought of God keeping me straight. And in line. Not falling.

Then when I read or watch a movie, I think about how many it takes to write or make those things come together. But in our life’s God is all of that. Who was, who is and who will be.

Your blessings are in progress my very good friend, don’t give up the wait, don’t give up the Faith and don’t feel rejected because of the temporal trails.

God is making you. My God is for me, who can be against me!! He says in His Word!! Nothing in all creation can separate me from Him!! Assured of His love, confident as to Who God is! I am settled in His Arms’ embrace whatever comes my way!! I have my Advocate, my High Priest, my Lord, my King & my God!!

The wisdom of God is with me and my strength of the lord goes me. Regardless of any problems that will try to block my healing, faithfulness or challenge I may have. The lord is with me and I will make it thru it.

The Lord has been there for me keeping me strong everyday I thank the Lord I need him to keep me strong to get through my storms

God is always working toward our good. I THANK GOD for all the things I have been through. He has seen me through it all, and made me stronger than I’ve ever been. The storms don’t come to destroy us, but to change our paths!!!

Lord right now I will choose to praise you for your great goodness and Lovingkineess you know my Circumstances and I thank you because I can rest in your power and care over every aspect of my life Amen!

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