Be Courageous In Your Pursuit To Follow God’s Will

Be encouraged in your purpose today. God has given you permission to shine in this world and to use the gifts He has given you to bring glory to His name and Kingdom.

​Acknowledge the gifts you have been given and thank God for His everlasting and unconditional love towards you and ask Him for renewed strength and grace to keep pursuing His will for you everyday.

Remember, you are loved with an everlasting love by an everlasting God. With your hand in His you can do anything.

More than ever, our world needs to see and experience the love and goodness of God, people who will love unconditionally and take time to help.  For us to be exceptional, we have to be people who are willing to open our hearts of compassion and follow God’s divine flow of love.

​​You can “love God back” by treasuring Jesus over absolutely everything else. ​God’s perception of you will set you free from seeking approval from the world and will give you peace and sanctuary. What a gift, thank you God!

Through our devotion to our faith we seek to grow in appreciation of Him. This means recognizing how much you need Him, and how perfectly He loves you.

When you follow God’s plan for your life, you may find yourself in uncharted territory. Though you may lack experience, God doesn’t. He will equip you for what He’s called you to!

​Without Jesus, we are lost. ​Only He has the wisdom to guide you in life. He is the only one who is truly worthy of our love and devotion. As Jesus takes hold of your heart, your love for Him grows and grows. And then your gratitude begins welling up in your heart for God.  Everyday live your life, think your thoughts as Jesus asks you to and you will always be on track to showing God just how much you love Him.

Today I pray for those who feel stuck in a rut. God created you to grow and increase. He has a plan for you to rise up higher. Stay close to Him and follow His leading! Life with God is the greatest adventure of all!

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