Always Remember That God Is Your Strength

I am continually amazed by, and thankful for, the enabling power of God in our lives. We can actually accomplish all that He has given us through Him.

God is faithful, and I want to assure you that He’ll enable you to do all you need to do.

Keeping a good attitude and continuing to believe God opens the door for Him to give you any strength, ability, and wisdom that you need. God has a great life planned for you, and even though you may be feeling like that it’ll never come, I encourage you to keep believing and stay in faith all the way through!

Take captive every thought coming into your mind that does not agree with the Word of God. Lead those thoughts away, and let them be replaced with ones that are obedient to Jesus Christ. In other words, change your mind!

God gives us grace (ability and strength) for one day at a time, so it’s unwise to look too far ahead in life.

It is never too late with God! Wait on and trust in God in difficult circumstances and watch as God turns trials into triumphs. Nothing is ever wasted with God!

Remember, when you are weak, He is strong. I believe, right now, God is breathing special strength into you. That burden that has weighed you down is being lifted. This is a turning point.

God is reenergizing you with fresh passion, fresh vision. You will run and not be weary; you will walk and not faint.

You are stronger than you think! Do you believe that? God is your strength to help you in all that you do and you can rely on Him with everything.

God is in you, He is for you and He will never leave you or forsake you, so live courageously—and always remember that God is your strength!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.

Prayer Starter: Dear God, we ask for Your strength and courage to help us face this day. We may not know what lies ahead, but we believe that You can help us conquer today. Thank You for being with us wherever we go. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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