CONGRATULATIONS! God Has Heard Your Prayers And A Miracle Is Coming To Your House In Jesus Name

God is going to bring victory in long battles.  Breakthrough is closer than you think in Jesus’ name!  God is going to honor you, God has heard your prayers, God has seen your tears.  God has seen your faithfulness and he will reward you.

God is going to restore families, restore finances, bring breakthrough in personal battles.  God is going to do everything he said he’s going to do in your life in Jesus’ name!  Don’t give up before you get your breakthrough.  Keep your eyes on Jesus and refuse to quit.  God is going to bring you the breakthrough in your life!

God is going to come through for you in your situation!  I see victories in long personal battles especially. God has heard your cries your miracle is coming today receive it in Jesus name Amen.

God is going to give you the victory in your situation!  God is about to open a door that no man can shut in your life.  The reason you have been tested is because your promotion is closer than you realize.  The reason you have gone through trials is because God is preparing you for the next level.  The lessons you learned in this last season have been preparing you for your promotion.

I see new jobs, new businesses, promotions, cash windfalls, increase and growth, strategies for wealth.  I see family restoration, new teams, Kingdom connections and destiny helpers.  The Lord says you will not walk through this next season alone.  He is forming teams at this time.  I see increase in your ministry, I see growth in every area of your life.  I see open doors, new beginnings, favor in all areas.  Claim it in Jesus’ name if this is for you!

“Do not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, you will reap a harvest if you do not faint.” (Galatians 6:9)  Everything you’ve been through is going to be so worth it when you see the miracle that God does in your situation.  Everything you’ve suffered will seem like dust compared to the breakthrough that’s coming to your life in Jesus’ name.  Your best days are ahead of you and not behind you.  Watch the Lord do it!  God is going to do a miracle in your life.

God is a miracle maker. Trust Him. The greatest way we can respond to a miracle is to allow Him to work out His miracles in us – and through us. “It is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” – Phil 2:13

Sadly, instead of being miracle makers like God, many of us settle with being miracle takers by procrastinating. What happens when we choose to remain  stuck? Deeply knowing God told us to move a long time ago. Today don’t allow procrastination to rob you from the precious.

God longs to co-labor with you. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the eyes to see the people He’s pursuing. The simple fact you woke up this morning is a significant miracle. Life alone should fill your heart with joy.

However, I know appreciating life isn’t the easiest thing. I know joyfully embracing life as the gift it truly is – isn’t the case for everyone. Some of us don’t enjoy our lives right now? Right…. because stuff is tough. Regardless of how hard life feels – or seems in this current moment. Remain confident that God has started a good work in you and He will surely finish it.

Thank God for gifting you with this day, and your gift back to Him is giving Him back this day.

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