God Is Always Working For Your Good

Be confident that God is using life circumstance to change you.​ ​When you put your faith in Jesus, it changes everything in your life and transforms the way you think.

God is always working for your good and when you turn to Him in troubled times you see that He is working on your character ​– from the inside out – to be like His Son.

​​God wants you to be free of suffering and to reside in His mercy and love, He want’s your mind to be clear and focused on the good that He is always providing.

You can trust in God; you can put your confidence in God at all times. He will never let you down. God is faithful. ​God is trustworthy. Take peace today in knowing that Lord God is not only sovereign, not only wise and not only good and loving, He is faithful.

​In His time and in His way, God will fulfill every promise. God has already kept His greatest promise, by sending Jesus to die on our behalf so we can have eternal life in Him.

God is lifting you up in every season, have faith in the promises He has made to you.

​You can trust God’s timing, He gave you a promise and He intends to follow through. Even if it seems like your timing is better, remind yourself that God’s ways are best.​

​Through all things God is teaching you and guiding you towards what really matters. Reflect on the thing you are feeling impatient for, ask yourself why you feel like it has to be now, and what could you learn by surrendering the timing over to God?

​Giving your life to God takes supernatural faith. Faith not only moves us, but it motivates us to do the impossible. To follow Him in ways that don’t make sense to anyone. And to praise God when we have no idea how our lives will hash out.

That’s why we can face life head-on once we give it to God and let it go. With God as our refuge, we’re safe in His eternal arms. Our destiny is secure. We can safely confront our circumstances.

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