God Can Use The Storms Of Life To Propel You Forward, He Can Use Your Trouble To Make You A Stronger Believer And A Blessing To Others

If God asks us to stay in a situation, then He is going to give us a special grace, for a special season, to experience His peace and joy despite the circumstances.

Don’t panic—it’s only a test. God is with you in both the storms and the peace. (Rom. 8:28)

God is always the same and He is the rock we can stand on, the rock that never moves. Everything around us might be shifting and changing, but God is always the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

Stop looking at what God is not doing. Stop looking at what you don’t have and the breakthroughs that aren’t coming through. And go back and look at what God has done in your life!

The good news is there is something waiting for you on the other side of loss. It may be a different job, it may be a different spouse, or it may be a new ability to empathize with others who are going through a situation similar to yours. But you do have a choice. You can move through your loss and come out on the other side.

God can use the storms of life to propel you forward. He can use your trouble to make you a stronger believer and a blessing to others.

Although it is more difficult, it is also more important than ever to be hopeful during times of struggle. God wants to bring us through, not see us get stuck in the pain.

God will give you the power to have peace in the midst of the storm.

We know we will have many trials, but God is on the throne and Jesus is faithful.

God will not allow a trial to come into your life unless He has a purpose. He doesn’t just allow the storms, He uses them.

God never tells us to pray that we’ll never have problems. He tells us to pray that when we have them, we will be steady in the storm!

Today we want to encourage you to let go of the disappointments of this past week and trust God with the days to come!

When the storms of life come crashing in Jesus calls us to keep our eyes on Him and trust that He will keep us above waters. He has kept you in the past and He will continue to keep you because His faithfulness never changes!

In reality, many times that looks like surrendering our thoughts to Christ every day to help keep our peace rooted in His sovereignty. Faith and fear are both a matter of believing. It’s up to us to choose where we will place our thoughts- in our worries or in Christ. When we choose Christ we are choosing a perfect love that covers us and overcomes fear.

When we are in the storms of life, our attention is on God and how He can help us out of it. It is important though to praise God in both times of storms and in times of happiness!

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