You Can Have Hope, God Is On Your Side

Whatever challenge you’re facing today—no matter how big or small—it’s time to hope again. It’s time to hope for favor. It’s time to hope for breakthrough. It’s time to hope for happiness.

The obstacle before you is an opportunity for God to do something amazing in your life. You’re not going to lose—God is on your side, and God’s undefeated.

Hope is the force that keeps us steady in a time of trial. Don’t ever stop hoping. If you do, you’re going to have a miserable life.

Don’t be afraid to hope. No one can promise that you’ll never be disappointed. But you can always have hope and be positive. Put yourself in God’s miracle-working realm. Expect a miracle in your life!

God is on your side! He is working on your situation! You can have hope. Give thanks today that you can know God, have hope, and live in His power!

You need to know that you’re loved! If you believe that God loves you then you can begin to love yourself and then you can begin to love other people. And you can have healthy, good relationships and you can enjoy your life.

Have you ever tried to solve a problem only God can solve? The more we try to make our own way, the tighter the doors stay closed. But when we do things God’s way, He can open doors for us suddenly.

On our journey toward healing, God is on our side. There is nothing we need to fear being against us.

God is focused on you and His love for you, not on what you have done wrong in your life. Instead of you focusing on what you have done wrong and the punishment you are afraid of getting, focus on God’s love and mercy.

Run to Father God and get your hug! Focus on the fact that He is good at all times, and continue believing in His promises no matter what your circumstances look like.

Things are always changing, but God never changes. He loves us forever and will never leave us nor forsake us.

We can be thankful that God loves us and chooses to make His home in us. This choice is not based on any good deeds we have done or every could do, but solely on the grace, mercy, power, and love of God.

God is standing by, waiting to help us. All you need to do is ask. No matter what is going on in your life, obeying God is the answer.

Ask God to reveal what He’s put in your heart, what His plans and purposes are for you. Then be clear about what you want or need, pray about it in faith, take steps of obedience to do what He shows you to do, and expect Him to work on your behalf.

Whatever happens in your life, remember that God is on your side. He will build your life, your reputation, your family, and your career. Be thankful that He is with you, put your confidence in Him, and prepare to be amazed at how He can turn every situation around for His glory!

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