Categories: Powerful Message

You Can Trust God

God sometimes speaks by giving us peace deep inside our hearts. You may sometimes face situations in which everyone around you is telling you to trust God and be at peace, but the “how to” evades you. Fears are screaming at you, unnerving you, and threatening you. Friends are saying, “Everything will be all right,” but you find that hard to believe until God Himself speaks deep in your heart and says, “You can trust me; I will take care of this. Everything really is going to be all right.”

One of the best things I’ve learned is to trust God’s timing and trust His ways. What God promised will come to pass, but it may not happen the way you think; it may not be when you had planned. If you’re trying to control the outcome and control the timeframe, you’re going to live worried. You have to release control. Release having to have it happen your way.

Scripture says in Nahum 1:7, “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.” What an amazing promise! God knows the people who trust in Him. When you put your trust in God, God recognizes and identifies with your nature because it is part of His nature. He is drawn to trust. Trust gives Him something to work with and opens the door for Him to move in your life.

Our faith, our confidence in God, is what causes patience to rise out of our hearts. We can trust that God is working even when we don’t see it. When God can trust you to be faithful in the ordinary, then He can trust you with the extraordinary. That’s why it’s important to learn to enjoy where God has you right now, knowing that He is doing a work in you so He can work through you.

There are things in life that can’t happen by our own thinking and reasoning. There are things that won’t be solved by our own power and might. Trust God when things are beyond your human ability.

Even though life is not always fair, God is fair. He promises that He will work all things together for our good. What may be happening may not be good, but God will turn it around! Trust that He is at work, and your story ends in victory!

Today, I pray for those who need direction. Trust that God is at work in your life and that He has a good plan. Call on Him and wait on Him. Let His Word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. See Psalm 119.

Prayer of the Day: God, I need faith to overcome the fear that I’m facing today. Please guide me, direct me, and lead me as I listen for Your voice and help me tap into the faith You have already given me today and every day, amen.


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