Put a smile on, put your shoulders back, hold your head up high, and walk with confidence. You’re a child of the Most High God. Go get your dreams, go get the victory—it has your name on it.
This is when you become God’s grin. You can rely on God to be your vindicator and to fight your fights on your behalf. God is a God who is just. Every flaw, every hurt, and every tear are visible to him. When you trust Him and keep your character pure, He has a way of making all of your wrongs right.
Colossians 3:12 says, “God has given us the power to endure whatever comes our way with a good attitude.” Maybe you’re not being treated fairly. It’s one thing to be negative; that doesn’t take any faith. But if you want to pass the test, you’ve got to put a smile on your face and have a good attitude.
When you sow seeds of kindness and forgiveness, you’re proving to God that He can trust your character. That’s when God will release more favor in your life.
When you’re good to people that don’t deserve it, you’re being the smile of God. When you show kindness to that coworker who has wronged you, when you assist that friend who has abandoned you when you need them, when you bless that relative who has wronged you, you are not only reflecting God’s smile, but you are also reflecting God’s smile. You’re passing the test. You’re showing God that He can trust you.
There are doors that need to open for you to reach the fullness of your destiny, but you can’t open them in your own talent, your own ability. It’s going to take the favor of God.
Hope is good, but nothing happens until you speak. Before you leave the house every day, declare: “This is my year. Things have shifted in my favor. God is about to show me something that I’ve never seen.”
If you want to see real joy, real fulfillment, if you want to lie down at night in peace, then be kind to people when there’s no reason, show mercy when you have the advantage, lift someone up when they pushed you down. Be the smile of God.
You were created to make somebody else’s life better. Somebody needs your smile. They need your love, your encouragement & your gifts.
Hebrews 1:9 says, “God has anointed you with the oil of gladness.” You can’t let anyone’s bad attitude ruin your good one. Instead, infect them with a smile.
When you go through the day with a smile, you are rejoicing. By having a cheerful countenance, being friendly and fun to be around, you are giving praise to God.
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