Categories: Joel Osteen Message

When You Feel Like Giving Up, Remember That God Will Never Left You

This message is for you. You who feel hopeless— and helpless. You who feel overwhelmed — and overworked. Have you ever been in a room full of people, yet you feel so alone? How many times must we struggle in silence — and speak mute words before we’re actually heard?

My heart may fail me, but God never will. My family may fail me, but God never will. My heath may be poor, but my faith is rich in Him. No matter my affluence or influence — My God is greater.

You may be….. In the mountain tops, God is with you. In the valley lows, God is with you. In the storm, God is with you. In the heartache, God is with you. In the chaos, God is with you. In the dry land, God is with you.

Today, you may not hear Him. You may not feel Him. But He is with you every step of the way. In the darkness night He is just a whisper away. In the silent seasons, He is comforting you in His loving Hands.

You don’t face your trials alone. You don’t walk through the valley alone. You are His beloved child. He will never leave you. He will never ignore you. He will never forsake you. He loves you and you are His.

God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything you lost. If He asks you to put something down, it’s because He wants you to pick up something greater.

God is the God of second chances. He will never give up on you if you don’t give up on Him. People will disappoint you. You’re going to disappoint yourself. But God said if you follow Him, you’ll never be disappointed. That doesn’t mean that you’ll get everything you want all the time, but you’ll get what’s best and what’s right.

When you’re going through something and you can say, “God, I don’t understand this, but I know you love me,” It will strengthen you and get you through stuff that you would have never thought you could go through.

Meditation scripture of the day: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” ( Psalm 46:1 NIV )..Thanks be to God..Amen


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