What Does Victoria Osteen Do?

A life-long Houstonian, Victoria began her career in her family’s business. Now as a supportive wife, mother of two children and a co-pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, TX, Victoria is an inspiration and mentor to women everywhere.

She is committed to helping women, children and families discover their purpose and reach their highest potential in Christ.

Victoria’s job title then, is the same as her husband’s. Sources also corroborate that she makes somewhere in the neighborhood of $200K annually. But since her and Joel’s net worth are united, it’s more likely that this wage represents their combined income.

Though not everyone believes Joel’s claims that his books have built up his net worth (after all, the media has confirmed that the church brings in $43M per year in collections), his wife makes the same report. In interviews, Joel has confirmed that he does not take a salary from Lakewood Church.

And it’s true that 14 of Joel’s novels have achieved varying degrees of success on the New York Times bestsellers list.

For her part, Victoria Osteen has written a long list of books as well, that have no doubt added to the couple’s shared net worth. Furthermore, it doesn’t appear that the two will be splitting anything at the moment, even their income.


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