What A Blessing It Is To Know That The Holy Spirit Helps Us Overcome Our Past

Don’t let the negative stories from your past limit your life, it’s time to tell yourself a new story.

Stop seeing yourself in a negative way and begin living the way God sees you, like a conqueror and well abled to accomplish your destiny.

One of the ways you can deal with the past is by confessing God’s promises instead of talking about negative, defeated feelings.

You are exercising your faith and investing in your healing when you acknowledge God’s promises instead of your troubles. This is an effective method to start truly appreciating your life.

You wouldn’t be alive unless God had another victory in front of you. You are not defined by your past; you are prepared by your past. You may have encountered some great obstacles…it’s because God has a great future in front of you.

Allow God into your life and live by His Word and you will be transformed without a doubt.

SO great is His love for you, it down’t matter what came before. God see your heart not your past and He makes us a new creature through Christ.

​Once you allow Jesus into your heart and accept Him as your lord and savior, you see that every day He works on you to make you what you need to be for Him in this life.

Today is a new day! You may have had an unfair past, but you don’t have to have an unfair future. If God is for you, who can be against you?

There is a transforming power when we remember the right things. When we remember what God has done for us in the past, we can be confident in what He will do for us again. Be reminded of the promises of Jesus.

No matter what has happened in the past, God will meet you where you are today and take you where you need to be tomorrow!

Prayer Starter: Father, I’m grateful that I can invest in my own healing by confessing Your Word over my life.

Help me to focus on Your promises rather than my problems. Thank You that You have good things in store for my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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