Categories: Joyce Meyer Message

We Work For God, Every Day We Need To Get Up And Go Out In The World And Go To Work For God To Glorify His Name

As a Christian, you work for God. And every day we get up we need to go out into the world and glorify His name!

Be confident that God is using life circumstance to change you. God is always working for your good and when you turn to Him in troubled times you see that He is working on your character ​– from the inside out – to be like His Son.

In this process of confirming to the image of Christ, you also glorify Jesus by declaring that He is the perfect human and your example for navigating the world.

God is lifting you up in every season, have faith in the promises He has made to you.

​God is at work in us. God’s purpose for us is to glorify Him and draw more people to know Jesus in our spiritual life. Notice when He is convicting you of an area of change. Expose yourself to His Word. He will show you where to go.

If you’re wondering where your place is in this big, wide world, it’s right in the center of His will for you.

In Psalm 138:8, the scripture explains that God will work out His plan for your life. You don’t have to work it out. You don’t have to make it all happen in your own strength. Why don’t you relax, take the pressure off yourself, and let God work out His plan. He can do it better than you can. He knows the best path.

God sees you going the extra mile. He sees you working hard, making sacrifices, but nobody is thanking you. He sees you fighting that illness, the lonely nights, praising when you could be complaining, giving when you’re not seeing increase.

The good news is that you’re going to come out of that lonely season, that unfair season, that barren season into a season of great joy, great favor, great health, great relationships, great opportunity. Because you’ve passed the test, you’ve proved to God that you can handle the weight of glory. You’re going to see Him show out in your life.

The trouble is temporary, but the glory is permanent. The key is don’t stay focused on the suffering; stay focused on the glory that’s coming. It may be tough now, life has dealt you an unfair hand, but that suffering is not in vain; it’s serving a purpose. It’s leading you to greater favor, greater anointing, greater victories.

You were created to give God glory. When you are generous with your thanks and have a heart of gratitude, you are a blessing to those around you.


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